fwopsec.conf file – remark # out all lines in this file

cpmad_opsec.conf file is not needed in Checkpoint R75 or newer. 

LEA Server OpSec Entity Sic Name and the Opsec Sic names are case sensitive and must look similar to this. CN=ssim451mr1,O=cma1..hipfr8

If the cpmad_opsec.conf exists on Checkpoint R75 you will need to rename this file.

Run the command below on command line interface and run this (either on the LEA server or the Firewall):

cpca_client lscert –kind SIC

find to LEA Server OPSEC Entity Sic Name on the CPLEA sensor configuration on SSIM.











Article URL http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH174593



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